Saturday, October 4, 2008

Streetcorner Madonnas

Streetside Madonnas are a common sight in Rome. Many homes and buildings display sculpted Madonnas, Madonna frescoes, and even mosaic Madonnas. Beneath some are bouquets or candles, and occasionally one will see (usually elderly) Romans pause to briefly bowing their heads as their errands take them past these Madonas. Here are some of my favorites from our neighborhood.

A well-attended Madonna by our #8 tram stop on Viale Trastevere. She is never without bouquets, votive offerings, and even receives the occasional teddy bear:
A lovely old Madonna frescoe overlooks the Piazza San Cosimato market and playground by our apartment:

And finally, a more whimsical contemporary mosaic Madonna a couple blocks from our apartment:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are there black Madonnas in Italy, or is that just in Spain?
Please get pix if you see one.